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Starting Again - Vulnerability is Important to Wellness

My husband tells me that I'm beautiful as I stare at my body in the mirror with sadness in my eyes. I had been avoiding scale for months. A week ago I was in Los Angelas celebrating our honeymoon with the love of my life, after having gone through an unplanned 6-week ectopic pregnancy, 1 chemotherapy treatment to terminate, 3 weeks of bedrest, postpartum depression, and enduring hormonal changes that had ravaged my previously much smaller frame.

I had gained 45 lbs. Then my life changed again after going many months without a mensural cycle, once she left, I felt 10 lbs lighter, my energy exponentially increased and my cravings for comfort foods have virtually disappeared (its only been 3 days). I'm sharing this for all would be mom's and anyone else needing to Start Again, encouraging you to never lose sight of your goals, my goal is to be as health as possible so that I may have beautiful, strong and healthy babies (two please), and to live a full life of abundance, success, and wealth with my husband (this is manifestation y'all). I worked out with my superstar client (Stephanie Lafitte) 3 days this week but on the third day I was bit by a spider, I've been doped up on Benadryl and Calamine lotion since yesterday when it happened. Today my vision has become much clearer as the fog of the anti-histamine exits my system. Today, I relish in the love and care from my husband, as he gently rubs treatment onto my wound until it stops itching.

Today, I'm recommitted to the formula that works for me, will you join me in creating your formula, Let's Start Again together?

PS: Join me at the Evans Market (7025 Evans Town Center Blvd) this Saturday, July 24th at 9 am for a FREE workout - Cute Booty for Beginners (no RSVP Required)...Click for More Info

Be well,

Shamika Scott

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